This Christmas, for the second year running, we launched the ASL's BIG Festive Food Collection. In a show of commitment to the local communities ASL serves, we encouraged the whole ASL family to support this initiative, which offers an opportunity for us all to give back during the festive season.
We had an amazing start to the campaign this year, thanks to the contribution of our team from Hong Kong. They collected canned goods, non-perishable foods, such as cooking oil, macaroni, noodles, rice, tea bags, biscuits and snacks, etc. Overall, the team collected over 40kg of food products which have been donated to local charity Foodlink Foundation.
This is the second year in a row that our Hong Kong team has worked with this Hong Kong based charity who support elderly and vulnerable people across the region.
Aurea Yung, Head of Operations for Foodlink Foundation, expressed her gratitude for ASL's continued support. "I would like to express our heartfelt thanks again for ASL's kind donation. These products will be distributed to underprivileged communities who most need our assistance. ASL's continued support is most appreciated and I look forward to our closer partnership next year in this important work. Thank you again for your generous support."
Emma Pomeroy, ASL's Chief Sustainability Officer, said "We're off to an amazing start with the Festive Food Collection this year, thanks to the great work from our Hong Kong team! I'm proud that the ASL family always stands ready and willing to help their local communities. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this amazing charity who do so much to help those who need it most".
Hands up to our Hong Kong team, Good Job helping to make a practical and positive difference in people's lives.
#ASLBIGFestiveFoodCollection #HelpLocalCommunities #OneWorld
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