ASL's team in Hong Kong recently contributed towards our One World initiative by having a huge 'end of year' clear out of our Causeway Bay HQ offices. The team collected a number of laptops, monitors and printers to be donated to local charity Caritas Computer Workshop (CCW).
Founded in 2001, this Hong Kong charity aims to provide teenagers with computer hardware and software vocational training. They also seek to lower the amount of electronic waste through the 3R (Recycle, Reduce, Reuse) principles.
But ASL's Hong Kong team didn't stop there! Following a serious office tidy up, the team also contributed 68kg of paper to a recycle centre, equivalent to a reduction of 326.4kg greenhouse gas emissions, which is the equivalent to planting 8.4 trees seedlings.
Emma Pomeroy, ASL's CRS Director, commented on the initiative "On their own, these may seem like simple steps to take, but added together, these small positive efforts start to make a big difference, both to the environment and to individual peoples' lives. We're proud of the proactive approach taken by all our teams in supporting local initiatives in this way. They are making a big difference in their own community and contributing towards our overall carbon reduction targets. Well done Team Hong Kong!"
ASL Global is committed to reducing our environmental impact, helping our suppliers and clients to do the same, and to helping our local communities flourish. Click here to discover more about ASL’s sustainability initiative, One World.