For the fourth year running ASL Global has attained Advanced Gold Supplier Status from leading global supply chain evaluation platform, EcoVadis.
The 2019 assessment has returned ASL’s highest score to date, reflecting the company’s leadership position as a global marketing services and supply chain management business.
Since 2016, ASL has been a Gold Status business, adopting a proactive program of continuous improvement, reflecting the company’s leadership position as a global marketing services business.
ASL remains in the top 1% of suppliers in their category and performed particularly strongly in the key categories of Sustainable procurement, the Environment and Labour & Human Rights.
Lee Wai Hoong, ASL’s Chief Quality & Compliance Officer, commented on the Gold Status attainment “We’re delighted to retain EcoVadis Advanced Gold Status. Their assessment programme gives us a valuable framework to continually develop a robust, transparent and socially compliant supply chain, especially in vulnerable and low-cost markets”.
He continued “We source products from suppliers all over the world so social and environmental compliance is critically important to us. We work with our customers and suppliers to try and make a positive contribution to sustainability through the supply chain”.
ASL Global was recently invited to speak alongside EcoVadis at leading global food & beverage brand, Mars’ Premia Supplier Workshop in Shanghai, China. Lee Wai Hoong spoke about ASL’s approach to Corporate Social Responsibility and how EcoVadis can help support this journey towards a more sustainable supply chain.
Monica Mantenuto from EcoVadis commented on ASL’s contribution “It’s so valuable to hear ASL’s perspective and experience with EcoVadis over the past few years. The messages they deliver were powerful and I’m sure they have helped other suppliers to understand the importance of embarking on a sustainability journey, as ASL has”.
EcoVadis operates an independent CSR assessment platform providing Sustainability Ratings for global supply chains which help to drive meaningful change in supply chains worldwide. More than 45,000 companies use EcoVadis to reduce risk, drive innovation and foster transparency and trust between trading partners.
Are you looking for innovative, sustainable marketing services support? Contact us to discover how ASL can help your marketing campaigns become more environmentally sustainable and socially responsible.